This is the fourth regulatory period in which Transpower has an individual price-quality path in place.

Transpower’s price-quality path will be reset in 2024 for the next regulatory period commencing 1 April 2025.

We began our stakeholder consultation on 9 October 2023 with the publication of our Transpower RCP4 Process, framework and approach paper, followed by publication in January 2024 of our RCP4 Issues paper.

On 29 May 2024, we published our RCP4 Draft decision. Commissioner Vhari McWha also hosted a presentation to stakeholders and media, which can be found below.

On 29 August 2024 we published our RCP4 Final Decision on expenditure allowances, quality standards, compliance obligations, IPP-specific information disclosure requirements, and the revenue path design.

The Final IPP Determination will be published in November.

For further information please email using the reference Transpower price-quality path.

Stakeholder briefing

Presentation to stakeholders and media: Draft decisions for the Transpower RCP4 - hosted by Commissioner Vhari McWha

Understanding how changes to lines charges may impact your electricity bill.

Joint RCP4 - DPP4 Draft Decisions Stakeholder slides 29 May 2024.

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