Any person who buys goods or services in New Zealand is protected by New Zealand's fair trading laws. When deciding whether to buy a good or service, you must be given accurate and truthful information.
Businesses and salespeople must not give you false or misleading information or create for you a misleading impression about a product or service. This includes details about the nature, quantity, quality, origin, performance characteristics, suitability or benefits of goods or service - everything must be accurate and clearly described. Business must also be able to substantiate any claims they make about the products or services they offer for sale.
As a consumer, it is important you know your rights. For example the Consumer Guarantees Act provides consumers with a range of guarantees about the goods they buy for personal use. These include that goods are of an acceptable quality and that spare parts and repair facilities will be available for a reasonable amount of time.
When you buy from a private seller, if something goes wrong you aren’t legally protected to the same extent as when you buy from a trader. It’s a good idea to make sure you know exactly what you are buying and from who, before committing to a purchase.
Advertising claims that goods and services are superior, healthier and better for the environment are everywhere. You have the right to expect sellers' claims are accurate and can be backed up.