These price-quality paths will apply for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2025. Aurora Energy is currently on a Customised Price-quality Path (CPP) which expires 31 March 2026. Previously in this DPP reset, Wellington Electricity were on a CPP (expired 31 March 2021) as too were Powerco (expired 31 March 2023).

In July 2021, Centralines underwent a process to become completely consumer owned by changing its trust deed to make all trustees consumer elected. This made Centralines DPP exempt and were no longer price-quality regulated.**

Eastland Network was acquired by Firstgas Group in March 2023, and was subsequently renamed Firstlight Network***.

Distributors subject to the 2020-2025 default price-quality path

  • Alpine Energy

    Aurora Energy


    Eastland Network/Firstlight Network***

    Electricity Ashburton

  • Electricity Invercargill

    Horizon Energy

    The Lines Company

    Network Tasman

  • Nelson Electricity


    OtagoNet Joint Venture


  • Top Energy

    Unison Networks


    Wellington Electricity*

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