Our monitoring responsibilities in the grocery industry include:

  • monitoring competition and efficiency;
  • carrying out inquiries, reviews, and studies (including international benchmarking);
  • improving transparency by making reports, summaries and other information about the grocery industry available; and
  • monitoring the law and practices that are relevant to our functions under the Act (including overseas law and practices).

The annual reports will help us prioritise our efforts and focus our work programme under the Grocery Industry Competition Act 2023 (GICA).

Our first report below, published in September 2024, establishes a baseline of data which all future monitoring reports will be measured against and references changes in the sector since the Commission’s Market Study completed in early 2022.

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Annual Grocery Report 2024 PDF (6 MB)

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Annual Grocery Report – Executive Summary PDF (446 KB)

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ROACE vs WACC supplementary methodology PDF (103 KB)

Media briefing live stream

We held a media briefing when we released our final report on Wednesday, 4 September 2024.

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Grocery Annual Report media and stakeholder presentation PDF (466 KB)