See our 2025 reset of the electricity default price-quality path page for more information.


Innovation and non-traditional solutions workshop

On 4 March 2024, we held an online workshop to share our early thinking and to seek feedback from stakeholders on how to best incentivise innovation and the use of non-traditional solutions within the DPP regime. We also sought feedback on how the Innovation and Non-Traditional Solutions Allowance (INTSA) could be used).

Capital expenditure framework design

On 26 February 2024, we ran a workshop with EDBs and other stakeholders to share our early thinking on key components of the capex framework for the DPP4 reset (including how the findings from the 2023 AMP review could be used in the framework). The workshop was intended to facilitate discussion and reflects early thinking of Commission staff only.

Forecasting and incentivising efficient expenditure

On 7 November 2022, we ran a workshop with electricity distribution businesses (EDBs) on the challenges of ‘forecasting and incentivising efficient expenditure’ in the context of increasing electrification being seen across Aotearoa New Zealand.

DPP4 Knowledge sharing presentation: An introduction to the default price-quality path

On 9 August 2023, we held an online knowledge sharing presentation on the default price-quality path (DPP).

The presentation is targeted at industry stakeholders but is open to anyone who would like to learn more about default price-quality paths – including those new to the regime and those seeking a refresher.