The Commerce Commission is urging New Zealanders to be vigilant in the face of increasing online scams and to always remember the old adage, if it’s too good to be true it probably is.

The Commission, along with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, is promoting Australasian Consumer Fraud Week (18-24 May). The theme this year is ‘Get smarter with your data’ and aims to raise awareness of how consumers can protect themselves online.

Commissioner Anna Rawlings said it is estimated that in 2014, New Zealanders lost more than $8 million to scammers, most of whom operate from offshore.

“Awareness of online scams is growing, but scammers are persistent and find new victims every day. As consumers, making online payments is part of daily life now and fraudsters are always on the lookout for opportunities to steal personal data or deceive people into parting with their money,” Ms Rawlings said.

“The Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce is dedicated to identifying and shutting down scams but ultimately consumers are best placed to protect themselves. When buying or sending money online, use companies and organisations you can trust. If you feel unsure about anything, trust your instincts and contact your bank.”

For information on how people can protect themselves they can read the MBIE website.

If you have been scammed, or know someone who has been scammed, report it to Scamwatch.