The Commerce Commission has received an application from CanWest RadioWorks Limited seeking clearance to acquire new radio FM spectrum licences allocated by the Ministry of Economic Development.

RadioWorks is establishing a new network to provide broadcasting services to the Northland area. As a result of a rearrangement of radio spectrum in Northland, RadioWorks is seeking clearance to acquire six new licences:

• 90.00 MHz at Maungataniwha (Far North)

• 92.40 MHz at Parahaki (Whangarei)

• 91.60 MHZ and 94.00 MHz at Horokaka (Whangarei)

• 91.60 MHz and 94.00 MHz at Hikurangi (Mid North)

The acquisition would introduce two new stations: Radio Live in the Mid North and Far North, and The Rock in the Mid North, Far North and Whangarei.

RadioWorks is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CanWest MediaWorks (NZ) Limited which is 70% owned by Canadian media company CanWest Global Communications. The remaining 30% of MediaWorks shares are in public ownership following a float of the company on the New Zealand Stock Exchange in July 2004.

In considering the application, the Commission's role is to determine whether the acquisition has the effect of substantially lessening competition in a market.