The Commerce Commission has received an application from Reckitt Benckiser plc seeking clearance to acquire the shares, manufacturing assets and intellectual property of Boots Healthcare International.

Reckitt Benckiser plc is an international manufacturer and distributor of consumer healthcare and personal care products. In New Zealand, Reckitt Benckiser distributes a range of analgesics, cold and throat preparations and antiseptics including the brands Disprin, Lemsip and Dettol.

Boots Healthcare International (BHI) is the consumer healthcare business of the Boots group of companies. Boots is an international manufacturer, distributor and retailer of consumer health and beauty products. In New Zealand, BHI distributes a number of products including a range of analgesics, cold and throat preparations and antiseptics under the brands Nurofen, Strepsils, Strepfen and Savlon.

In considering the application, the Commission's role is to determine whether the acquisition has the effect of substantially lessening competition in a market.

A public version of the application will shortly be available on the Commission's website under Public Registers.