The Commerce Commission has received an application from Media Monitors Pty Limited seeking clearance to acquire all the business and assets of Chong Bureau Limited.

Media Monitors provides a range of media intelligence services. Primarily, this involves the gathering, collation and distribution of press and broadcast media to businesses and other organisations. Media Monitors is a private company that operates in a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region including Australia and New Zealand.

Chong Bureau Limited also provides media intelligence services in New Zealand, under the brand name 'Chong Newztel Media_Watch'. Chong Bureau Limited is a private company with offices in Auckland and Wellington.

In considering the application, the Commission's role is to determine whether the acquisition has the effect of substantially lessening competition in a market.

A public version of the application will shortly be available on the Commission's website under the Clearances Register. A statement of preliminary issues, outlining the Commission's view on the competition issues that could arise if the proposed merger were to proceed, will also be released shortly.