The Commerce Commission has received an application from Toll Owens Limited seeking clearance to acquire the log marshalling assets of John Ray Limited.

Toll Owens is a joint venture company owned 50% by Port of Tauranga Limited and 50% by Toll Limited. Toll Owens' services include marshalling, stevedoring, warehousing, ships agency, transport and cruise line services at New Zealand ports. Toll Owens subsidiaries include: Owens Cargo Company Limited; TLNZ Limited; and TLNZ Auckland Limited.

John Ray is a privately-owned business involved in log-harvesting and in the provision of log marshalling services. It is the sole provider of log marshalling services at Centreport in Wellington and Westgate in Taranaki.

In considering the application, the Commission's role is to determine whether the acquisition has the effect of substantially lessening competition in a market.