The Commerce Commission has concerns about the promotion of a weight loss and cellulite removal product, Celluslim, and warns consumers to think twice before buying.

Two separate distributors, one based in Takapuna, Auckland and one based in Singapore, are promoting the product in personalised direct marketing material.

Celluslim claims, amongst other things, to have been 'scientifically proven to melt away fat and cellulite in just three weeks - without diet or exercise'. It says it has been 'developed by a doctor at his research centre in the Swiss Alps' and the enclosed letter is signed by Professor Eduardo Malissi, President, Saint Alto Research Centre.

"The Commission has received confirmation from Swiss authorities that the centre does not exist. Authorities have also said that no such person is known to them as Professor Malissi," said Deborah Battell, Director of Fair Trading at the Commission.

During its investigation into the Takapuna based promoter, the Commission has found evidence to suggest 1,700 Kiwis have bought the New Zealand made product. In addition, the Commission has received information from more than 150 consumers who have purchased Celluslim, most of whom say the product does not work, with some saying they have felt unwell after taking Celluslim.

The Ministry of Health's Medsafe unit has warned the New Zealand distributor that its advertising of Celluslim does not comply with the Medicines Act (1981) and is also in breach of the New Zealand Advertising Standards Authority Code for slimming or weight loss products.

Ms Battell said that neither the New Zealand or Singapore distributors had been able to supply the Commission with substantiation of the claims made about their products.

The Commission is continuing its investigation into the Takapuna based promoter, and has written to the Singapore promoter requesting copies of the clinical trials it claimed to have undertaken. The Commission is yet to receive a response.


An eight-week supply of Celluslim capsules (which it claims will make you lose 21-27kg of fat and cellulite) costs up to $168.80 for an eight week supply.

Media contact: Deborah Battell, Director of Fair Trading Act

Phone work (04) 924 3760, mobile 029 924 3760

Jackie Maitland, Communications Manager

Phone work (04) 924 3708, mobile 029 924 3708

Commission media releases can be viewed on its web site