Issued Thursday 25 September 2003

The Commerce Commission today advised it had agreed an extension with Qantas Airways Limited and Air New Zealand Limited to Friday 24 October for release of the final determinations relating to the proposed alliance between the two airlines.

Acting General Manager Geoff Thorn said the extension was required for the Commission to complete its consideration of the extensive information received at its recent six day conference.

"We are working on our final economic analysis and calculations. We sought additional time to fully analyse the extensive information and presentations received at the conference."

Mr Thorn added that the four week extension was significant, and that the Commission was committed to announcing its final determinations once completed, which could be within the 24 October deadline.

Timing details for the release of the determinations will be announced closer to the time.

Media contact:

Geoff Thorn, Acting General Manager

Phone work (04) 924 3620

Jackie Maitland, Communications Manager

Phone work (04) 924 3708, mobile 029 924 3708