Payments NZ Limited

The Commerce Commission has received an application from Payments NZ Limited seeking authorisation to work with API providers and third parties to develop arrangements that, according to Payments NZ, will facilitate a more well-utilised, secure and innovative open banking framework. The proposed partnering framework involves the joint development of (i) an accreditation scheme (including accreditation criteria) for Third Parties, and (ii) default standard terms and conditions on which API Providers would contract with Third Parties who meet the accreditation criteria.
  • 22 Aug 2024

    Decision due

  • 29 Jul 2024

    Cross-submissions on draft determination due

  • 19 Jul 2024

    Submissions on draft determination due

  • 01 Jul 2024
  • 24 Jun 2024


    Decision due by (extension to 22 August 2024)

  • 28 Feb 2024


    Submissions on Statement of Preliminary Issues published

    See documents

  • 26 Feb 2024


    Submissions on Statement of Preliminary Issues due

  • 12 Feb 2024


    Statement of Preliminary Issues published

    See documents

  • 16 Jan 2024