Dr Ross Patterson today begins his five-year term as Telecommunications Commissioner.

He replaces Douglas Webb, the inaugural Telecommunications Commissioner, who held the role from 2002.

Dr Patterson takes over the role at pivotal time for New Zealand telecommunications, as the Commerce Commission works to implement a new regulatory regime introduced in by the Telecommunications Amendment Act, which was passed in late 2006.

Dr Patterson will have lead responsibility in ensuring that competition in the telecommunications market delivers long term benefits for end users.

"The Commission's work is well advanced, particularly in relation to Local Loop Unbundling and the review of the mobile sector," says Dr Patterson.

"I have been well briefed to enable a seamless transition and ensure the Commission can maintain its considerable telecommunications work programme."

Dr Patterson is a New Zealand lawyer with a PhD in commercial law. For the last ten years he has been working in Sydney, Australia as a partner of Minter Ellison Lawyers, where he was head of the firm's competition and regulatory practice. His principal areas of expertise include competition law, telecommunications law, payment systems regulation and competition policy initiatives.