Media are invited to the Commerce Commission's Wellington office to meet newly arrived Telecommunications Commissioner, Douglas Webb.

When: 9am, Wednesday 13 March

Where: Commerce Commission

Level 7

Landcorp House

101 Lambton Quay

RSVP Jackie Maitland, Communications Manager

Direct line (04) 498-0920


Note: Please find attached background information on Douglas Webb.

DOUGLAS WEBB - Curriculum Vitae

Douglas Webb was most recently the Managing Counsel and deputy to the Vice President in the Legal Department at the World Bank. He has over 30 years of legal experience, including 16 years as a partner in Watts and Patterson (latterly Rudd Watts & Stone) and 14 years as a specialist on legal system reform in developing countries. He previously worked for the Asian Development Bank in Manila.

During his time at the World Bank, Mr Webb has advised and made decisions on telecommunications reform, including the design of regulatory systems in a number of countries. More specifically he has advised governments on the privatisation of state-owned telecommunications companies, on the creation and capacity building of independent regulators of telecommunications services, and on the promotion of the entry of private network and cellular operators.

While a senior partner for Rudds Watts and Stone in Wellington (1986 - 1991), Mr Webb negotiated with Telecom NZ to obtain an interconnection agreement to permit NZ Rail to offer telecommunications services to major customers. He represented the consortium of NZ Rail, the Todd Corporation, Bell Canada and MCI Communications in the establishment of Clear Communications as a network operator providing telecommunications services both local and long distance. Mr Webb was also a member of the Clear negotiating team on the first interconnection agreement between Clear and Telecom NZ.

While in New Zealand in the 1980's Mr Webb was a member of the board of directors of the Medical Assurance Group and served as Deputy Chairman. He was a member of the board of Karori Rotary Club and President of the Club in 1989-90.

Work History

1991 - March 2002 Legal Department of the World Bank

2000 - Managing Counsel

1993 - Manager, Legal Reform and Private Sector Division

1991 - Advisor on the privatisation of state-owned enterprises

1986 - 1991 Commercial Partner, Rudd Watts & Stone

1982 - 1986 Office of the General Counsel, Asian Development Bank, Manila

1969 - 1982 Watts & Patterson

1970 - Partner

1969 - Staff solicitor


1970 Master of Laws with Honours, Victoria University of Wellington

1969 Bachelor of Laws, Victoria University of Wellington