An Auckland clothing importer, Norman Malcolm, was fined $3,500 in the Auckland District Court yesterday after admitting that he falsely claimed the Commerce Commission had approved his products and that he sold children's nightclothes that did not meet the fire safety standard.

Judge Thorburn said the case should not be considered a precedent because in setting a low fine he had taken into account Mr Malcolm's financial circumstances.

Commission Chairman Dr Alan Bollard said the Commission prosecuted Mr Malcolm under the Fair Trading Act.

The Act prohibits false claims about approval or endorsement and also includes three product safety standards. One of the standards is for children's nightclothes.

Mr Malcolm was fined $1,500 for falsely telling retailers that the Commission had checked 'My Girl' brand nightclothes and had given an opinion that they met the safety standard.

He was fined $2,000 because the nightclothes did not meet the standard.

Mr Malcolm and his wife own the clothing importing company, N & J Fashions.

Media contact: Manager Fair Trading Rachel Leamy

Phone (04) 498 0908, home (04) 386 3110

Communications Officer Vincent Cholewa

Phone (04) 498 0920, home (04) 479 1432