Our role in electricity lines

Getting power to your home or business is a complex process. Electricity is first generated from a variety of sources, before being transmitted across the national grid, distributed down the power lines and sold to you. More than 50 businesses across New Zealand play their part in that process.

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Commerce Commission/Electricity Authority combined work programme 2023/2024

The Commerce Commission and the Electricity Authority (EA) are the primary economic regulators of the electricity system in New Zealand.  We recognise the value of working closely together to deliver our respective work programmes.

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Here you will find electricity lines projects we are currently working on and those we have completed.

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Electricity lines price-quality paths

Price-quality regulation is applied to certain businesses that are regulated under Part 4 of the Commerce Act.

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Electricity transmission

Transpower is the owner and operator of New Zealand's National Grid.

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Electricity distributor performance and data

Regulated electricity lines businesses provide information to us as part of their disclosure requirements. We then publish a summary and analysis of this information on our website.

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Information disclosure requirements for electricity distributors

Suppliers of electricity lines services in New Zealand are subject to information disclosure regulation.

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Electricity distributor map

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Electricity Lines and Transmission Charges: What are they, why are they changing and what does this mean for your electricity bill?

Household electricity bills will increase in April 2025 by about $15 a month, on average. Increasing costs for material and labour, high interest rates, and rising levels of investment in the electricity network combine to cause this increase. Investment in electricity assets is needed to ensure New Zealanders continue to receive a reliable, safe, and resilient electricity supply.

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