The Commerce Commission has today launched an original animated series to raise awareness of consumer rights. It’s All Good features New Zealand’s sharpest legal advisor Aunty and her nephew Herman Faleafa, with their debut appearance targeted at raising awareness of borrowers’ rights following the introduction of new credit laws in 2015.

The development of an animated series is a first for the Commission as part of its role to provide information and guidance about the laws it enforces, including the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).

Commissioner Anna Rawlings said the decision to launch the series on credit issues reflects the Commission’s focus on the consumer protection objectives emphasised in the recent credit law changes.

“Credit is widely utilised in New Zealand. It is important that borrowers understand the new processes that lenders must follow when providing credit and are familiar with their rights and obligations if they decide to get a loan,” Ms Rawlings said.

“Last year we put a considerable amount of time and effort into holding workshops with lenders to make sure they understood and would comply with the new credit laws. We also held seminars with budget advisers and community law groups to understand the key credit issues facing borrowers, and have updated our range of detailed written guidance for both borrowers and lenders.

“Developing an animations campaign reflects the diversity of the audience we need to reach and the reality that to do so requires a platform that is accessible and engaging. It’s All Good communicates serious messages in an entertaining format, providing another tool to reach consumers.”

The Commission has worked with creative advisors Stun and the Ministry for Pacific Peoples to develop the It’s All Good concept. Each episode features a situation many New Zealanders will be in at some stage in their life, for example getting a loan, being a guarantor or facing repossession.

“Over the next 6 weeks we will be promoting the series on social media and through our networks at budget advice and community law centres, with support from other government agencies. We also plan to tackle other issues, such as product safety and fair trading, introducing other characters into this world as it develops over the next year,” Ms Rawlings said.

The first three episodes are now live on The final two episodes in the credit series will be released next week.


It’s All Good is a show about knowing your rights... from your wrongs.

The show features New Zealand’s sharpest legal advisor, Aunty and her well-meaning nephew, Herman Faleafa. Herman means well but he often has his head in the clouds and doesn’t think things through, especially when it comes to borrowing money. So he needs Aunty and others to keep his feet on the ground and money in his wallet.

Each episode focuses on a common situation that many New Zealanders will find themselves in, for example getting a loan or being a guarantor. Aunty does her best to make sure Herman has his head on straight and knows his rights, with a few laughs along the way.