Scope of the Investigation

Section 69AH of the Act sets out that we must either investigate the copper services or provide reasons as to why there were not reasonable grounds for investigating.

Due to the changes in the markets for voice and internet services and the length of time since these services were last reviewed (2016), we are of the view that we should proceed to an investigation.

Following our investigation, we can recommend either adding, omitting or amending a service in Schedule 1 (as outlined in sections 66 and 67 of the Act).

Four copper services are listed in section 69AH but one of them encompasses two services, meaning the five copper services in scope of our investigation are:

  1. Chorus’s unbundled bitstream access (UBA)
  2. Chorus’s unbundled copper low frequency service (UCLF)
  3. Chorus’s unbundled bitstream access backhaul (UBA Backhaul)
  4. Chorus’s unbundled copper local loop network co-location (UCLL Co-location)
  5. Chorus’s unbundled copper local loop network backhaul - telephone exchange to interconnect point (UCLL Backhaul).

The next steps

Following submissions received on our approach paper, we are now working on our investigation. We expect to publish our draft findings and recommendation later in 2024, on which we will invite further submissions.

This view shows the latest stage in the project. Click on the circled dates to see details. Navigate to other months, or scroll down, to see all stages.

Note: these dates are indicative only and are subject to change.

  • 11 Jun 2024
  • 22 May 2024
  • 22 Apr 2024
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