NZ Post and PBT are both suppliers of courier services in New Zealand.

NZ Post is a state-owned enterprise that provides mail, courier and logistics services. Relevant to the application, NZ Post operates a domestic small parcel courier business. It is the largest provider of such services in New Zealand.

PBT provides freight, courier and logistics services throughout New Zealand. It is 75% owned by Waterman Capital. Relevant to the application, PBT provides courier services primarily to business customers in New Zealand. It contracts approximately 200 courier van owner-operators to deliver its services. The contracts with these owner-operators are not being acquired by NZ Post.

A public version of the clearance application will be available shortly on the Commission’s case register.


We will give clearance to a proposed merger if we are satisfied that the merger is unlikely to have the effect of substantially lessening competition in a market.

Further information explaining how the Commission assesses a merger application is available on our website.