The Commerce Commission conference to gather information about the proposed arrangements for determining security policy for the national electricity grid will be held in Wellington on Wednesday, July 28.

While only interested parties may participate in the conference, the public may observe and the media may report the proceedings.

Transpower New Zealand Limited applied for authorisation of the arrangements, which will involve major participants in the electricity sector.

The conference is an opportunity for Transpower and interested parties to provide further information and for the Commission to ask questions. It is not an adversarial process. Participants will not question or cross-examine each other.

On June 30 the Commission issued a draft determination stating that, on the information currently available, the benefits from the arrangement are likely to outweigh its detriments and the Commission would authorise it.

Interested parties have made submissions on the draft determination, the Commission has circulated the submissions to all interested parties and they can now provide further information in light of that material.

The Commission expects to make its final decision by August 13.

Venue: Park Royal Hotel, Wellington

Timing: Commencing 9.30am, lunch at approximately mid-day depending on proceedings.

Commissioners: Dr Kate Brown, Cathie Harrison and Paula Rebstock.

Parties who have made written submissions: Transpower, Major Electricity Users Group, Comalco, Todd Energy, Orion, United Networks, Vector, WEL Energy, Counties Power, Northpower and Southpark Utilities.

Participants at conference in speaking order: Applicants, other interested parties, applicants' right of reply. A specific agenda will be available at the conference.

Media contact: Commerce Act Manager Geoff Thorn

Phone work (04) 498 0958

Communications Officer Vincent Cholewa

Phone work (04) 498 0920

Commission media releases can be viewed on its website