The Commerce Commission today released a draft determination stating that, on the information currently available, the benefits to the public from the proposed Telephone Number Administration Deed are likely to outweigh the competitive detriments.

The parties who have signed the Deed to date, Newcall Communications Limited, Teamtalk Limited, Telecom New Zealand Limited, Telstra New Zealand Limited and Vodafone New Zealand Limited, had applied for authorisation of the Deed.

Commission Deputy Chairman Mark Berry said that the Commission's preliminary view is that it would authorise the Deed.

The Deed sets out principles for the administration of numbers, and a process to determine whether long-term number portability should be introduced. These principles have been chosen by the parties to the Deed.

However, the Deed also limits the ability of those firms which are not signatories to the Deed to obtain numbers. This would affect their ability to compete in various telecommunications markets. These firms will, however, be able in future to become signatories on the same terms and conditions.

The Commerce Act prohibits arrangements between competitors that prevent, restrict or limit the supply of services to another rival. However, it also allows an otherwise prohibited business practice to be authorised if the Commission is satisfied that its benefits outweigh its detriments.

Mr Berry said that the Commission's preliminary view is that significant public benefits would result from the Deed because it would allow for the introduction of independent number administration and efficient number portability earlier than would otherwise be the case.

Interested parties have until April 7 to make submissions on the draft determination, and experts working for them have until April 14.

A conference, at which parties will be able to provide further information and the Commission will be able to question them, will be held in Wellington on April 20-22.

The Commission will draw together the information from the draft determination, submissions and the conference for its final decision, to be made by May 10.

Copies of the draft determination are available from reception at the Commission's Wellington office, level 7 Landcorp House, 101 Lambton Quay.

Commission publications that provide relevant information include:

? The Commerce Act 1986: a General Guide;

? Conference Procedures; and

? Guidelines to the Analysis of Public Benefits and Detriments.

Media contact: Commerce Act Manager Geoff Thorn

Phone work (04) 498 0958

Communications Officer Vincent Cholewa

Phone work (04) 498 0920

Commission media releases can be viewed on its web site