The Commerce Commission has published a statement of preliminary issues relating to an application from Bauer Media Group (NZ) LP (Bauer) to acquire certain magazine publishing assets of APN Specialist Publications NZ Ltd (APNSP).

Bauer and APNSP are both involved in magazine publishing in New Zealand.

The statement of preliminary issues outlines the key competition issues that the Commission currently considers will be important in deciding whether or not to grant clearance. The Commission’s statement of preliminary issues and the public version of the application are on the Clearances Register.

The Commission invites submissions from parties who consider that they have information relevant to the Commission’s consideration of this matter. Submissions can be sent to with the reference Bauer/APNSP in the subject line of your email or to PO Box 2351, Wellington 6140 by 4pm on Friday 29 November 2013.


Bauer is an international publishing and distribution group with four core divisions covering lifestyle magazines, trade publications, property websites and publications, and the distribution of independent and own title publications.

APNSP is ultimately owned by APN News and Media Limited, a publicly listed media company with interests in magazine and newspaper publishing, radio, web content and printing.