The Commerce Commission has given clearance for H.B. Fuller Company Australia Pty Limited (H.B. Fuller) to acquire the business and assets of Advanced Adhesives New Zealand Limited (Advanced Adhesives).

H.B. Fuller and Advanced Adhesives are both involved in the supply of hot-melt and water-based adhesives in New Zealand.

The Commission’s investigation focused on the competitive effects of the merger in each of the national markets for the supply of hot-melts and water-based adhesives.

The Commission is satisfied that the merger will not have, or would not be likely to have, the effect of substantially lessening competition in the affected markets.

Commerce Commission Chairman, Dr Mark Berry, said that “The overlap in water-based adhesives will be minor so the merger was unlikely to result in any significant change to competitive conditions.”

“In our consideration of the hot-melts market, we found that H.B. Fuller is likely to face strong competition from Henkel and several fringe competitors, all of which have the potential to expand in a timely manner,” said Dr Berry.

A public version of the written reasons for the decision is available on the Clearances Register.