The Commerce Commission has received a clearance application from Healthcare of New Zealand Holdings Limited (HealthCare NZ) to acquire 100% of the shares in Geneva Healthcare Limited and its related companies: Geneva Clean Limited, My Skill Limited, Geneva Health Technology Limited and Geneva Care Limited (Geneva Healthcare Group).

HealthCare NZ is the holding company of Healthcare of NZ Limited, NZCare Group Limited, Healthcare Rehabilitation Limited, Explore Services Limited and Solora Limited. These companies provide home and community support services to injured, unwell, disabled and elderly New Zealanders.

The Geneva Healthcare Group provides home and community support services to injured, unwell, disabled and elderly New Zealanders, and community living services to New Zealanders with a physical or intellectual disability. It also provides temporary staffing and recruitment services to hospitals and other providers. Geneva Healthcare Limited has a 50% shareholding in Geneva Elevator Limited Partnership, which provides recruitment services for people living with disabilities.

HealthCare NZ and the Geneva Healthcare Group predominantly provide these services through funding from the ACC, DHBs and the Ministry of Health.

A public version of the clearance application is available on the Commission’s Clearances Register.


When considering a proposed merger, the Commission must determine whether any competition that would be lost with the merger would be substantial.

We will give clearance to a proposed merger only if we are satisfied that the merger is unlikely to have the effect of substantially lessening competition in a market.

A fact sheet explaining how the Commission assesses a merger application is available on the clearances page.