The Commerce Commission has today released updated asset health reporting requirements for electricity transmission company Transpower.

Under Part 4 of the Commerce Act, the Commission sets the maximum revenue Transpower can earn and the quality standards it must meet.

The asset health reporting provisions require Transpower to publicly report on the health of its assets in the national electricity grid, including its power transformers, outdoor circuit breakers, insulators, and tower foundations and protective coatings.

The updated reporting requirements are more flexible and take into account the evolving state of Transpower’s asset health models. They will be used for the remainder of the current regulatory period, with scope for them to be further refined for the next regulatory period, starting in April 2020.

The requirements are consistent with the Commission’s broader focus on the asset management practices of regulated energy suppliers, to ensure they prioritise investment and maintenance of their assets to deliver the reliability and resilience consumers expect.

A copy of the updated requirements can be found on our website.


Transpower is a State-Owned Enterprise that owns and operates the national high voltage electricity transmission network. As system operator, it also manages the real-time coordination of the electricity market.