The Commerce Commission's input methodologies conference will be held in Wellington from Tuesday 15 to Friday 18 September 2009. The conference will enable the Commission to test written submissions received and advance its understanding of the key points of difference between submitters and the Commission. The conference is part of the Commission's consultation process on the implementation of the Part 4 requirements of the Commerce Act and is open to all interested parties.

The conference will have separate sessions on different days for each type of regulated service - airports, gas pipelines, electricity distribution and electricity transmission. The conference will not specifically focus on the cost of capital as a separate workshop on this topic is planned for November 2009.

The order of sessions and venues for each session are:


Regulated service


Tuesday 15 September


The Grand Space, Holiday Inn,

75 Featherston Street, Wellington


Wednesday 16 September

Gas pipelines

Deloitte Lounge, Westpac Stadium, Waterloo Quay, Wellington

Thursday 17 September

Electricity distribution

The Grand Space, Holiday Inn,

75 Featherston Street, Wellington


Friday 18 September

Electricity transmission

Deloitte Lounge, Westpac Stadium, Waterloo Quay, Wellington

The Commission will identify the people and organisations it would like to hear from, and the key issues to be discussed at the conference, based on submissions and cross-submissions received on the consultation package released in June.

Attendance at the conference is free but registration is required. To register for the conference, email your name, organisation and the session you would like to attend to

Further details about the format, key issues to be discussed and the people and organisations who will be contributing at the conference will be circulated when available.

The Commission plans to hold a separate workshop relating to the cost of capital with interested parties in November 2009. Further information about the cost of capital workshop will be circulated to interested parties when available.

In addition to the conference and workshop on the cost of capital, the Commission will hold separate workshops to allow technical industry specialists to contribute to the development and evaluation of the Commission's detailed proposals for input methodologies. These workshops are yet to be scheduled.


Consultation package. On 19 June 2009, the Commission invited submissions from interested parties on a consultation package comprising the input methodologies discussion paper, the Transpower process and recommendation discussion paper and the revised draft guidelines on the Commission's approach to estimating the cost of capital.

Cross-submissions on the consultation package are due by 5pm on Friday 28 August 2009.

The consultation package is available via the Commission's website under Input Methodologies.