Commerce Commission Chairman, Dr Alan Bollard, will chair an Asia Pacific Economic

Co-operation (APEC) discussion on competition law and policy in Auckland on Monday.

The discussion is part of a three-day APEC conference aiming to promote understanding of competition policy and law in Asia and the Pacific and of how that policy and law affects trade and investment, and also to identify areas where there could be greater co-operation between countries and to start developing a programme to achieve this.

Dr Bollard said New Zealand's competition policy, centred on the Commerce Act, is based on the view that competition in informed market places will allow resources to be allocated more efficiently than could be achieved in any other way.

New Zealand's innovative changes since private and state sector deregulation began in 1984 have taken it from one of the most protected economies in the Western world to one of the most open.

The impact, after an initial highly disruptive restructuring period, has been significant improvements in managerial efficiency and a marked improvement in competitiveness.

The Commission's role is not to regulate business, that is left to competition. Its role is to prevent anti-competitive behaviour so that competition is effective.

Dr Bollard said there is considerable international interest in New Zealand's approach and in its success.

Media contact:Chairman, Dr Alan Bollard

Phone 021 650 476

Communications Officer, Vincent Cholewa

Phone work (04) 498 0920, home (04) 479 1432

General questions about APEC and the conference should be directed to:

Ministry of Commerce, Mark Steel

Phone 025 442 784