The Commerce Commission has issued four requests for proposals (RFP) seeking responses from industry experts to assist with its new functions under the proposed telecommunications regime.

The RFPs will aid the Commission in preparing Practice Notes on aspects of the new Telecommunications regime which is currently before a Parliamentary select committee. Practice Notes are published by the Commission for the guidance of the business community and its advisors.

The RFP's have been issued on the following:

  • The application of a Total Service Long Run Incremental Cost (TSLRIC) pricing methodology
  • The conducting of an international benchmarking review of interconnection and retail-minus prices against comparable regimes
  • The verification and allocation of Telecommunications Service Obligations (TSO) costs
  • A review of the wholesale (retail-minus) pricing regime

The date for the submission of proposals is 5 October 2001.

Background explanation

TSLRIC pricing methodology

TSLRIC is a forward-looking cost based on methodology that may be used by the Commission when conducting pricing review determinations.

TSO costs

Under Part three of the Telecommunications Bill the Commission is required to determine the cost incurred for the supply of declared TSO instruments and the allocation payable by all liable persons.

Wholesale (retail-minus) pricing regime

Access seekers may apply to the Commission for a price determination on services or bundled services that are not price-capped.

Media contact: Business Competition Branch Director Geoff Thorn

Phone work (04) 498 0958, cellphone 021 661 104

Senior Advisor Communications Jackie Maitland

Phone work (04) 498 0920, cellphone (025) 249 3407