The Commerce Commission will hold a five day conference on Wednesday 12 - Friday 14 June, and Wednesday 19 - Thursday 20 June, on its draft determination relating to an application by the Electricity Governance Board for authorisation of an arrangement that proposes to restructure the basis under which electricity is raded.

The conference is for interested parties to make oral presentations to the Commission and for the Commission to ask questions. If media are interested in attending, please forward your interest to Jackie Maitland (details below).

The conference will be held at Level 5, CSI House, 166 Featherston Street, Wellington, from 9am each day.

The Commission released its draft determination on the application in April, and it is available on the Commission's website. On the basis of the information available to date, the Commission reached the preliminary view that it is not satisfied that the public benefits of the proposed arrangement are likely to outweigh the competitive detriments.

The Commission intends releasing its final determination in July.

Media contact: Jackie Maitland, Communications Manager Phone work (04) 924 3708, mobile 029 924 3708