In the second juice industry prosecution by the Commerce Commission in

less than a month, Double R Softdrinks was fined $4000 plus costs in the

Christchurch District Court today after pleading guilty to 21 charges of

breaching the Fair Trading Act.

The prosecution followed an investigation by the Commerce Commission

which revealed Double R was making false representations about the

nature of is "Citrus Grove" Orange Juice.

Director of Fair Trading, Deborah Battell said that the breaches

included claims that the drink contained "100% orange juice" when it

contained no more than 45%, and that it was "sweetened by nature" when

it had sugar added.

"There were clear misrepresentations by Double R," she said. "Customers

were forced to rely on information provided on its labelling, and were

misled into buying what was effectively a fruit drink rather than a


"Last month, Rio Beverages was fined $22,600 for breaching the Act, and

the Commission is currently investigating ten other juice companies for

false or misleading claims as to the nature of their products," she


In handing down the sentence, Judge Green said that he had been lenient

because of Double R's small size and co-operation throughout the

investigation, but added that he would view any further breaches of the

Act very seriously.


Rio Beverages Limited was fined $22,600 plus court costs in the Auckland

District Court last month for five breaches of the Fair Trading Act

relating to false and misleading claims about the health benefits of the

added Echinacea, and the quantity of blackcurrant juice in its

"Thexton's Quality Beverages" range of products.

Media contact: Deborah Battell, Director of Fair Trading

Phone work (04) 924 3760, mobile 029 924 3760

Jackie Maitland, Communications Manager

Phone work (04) 924 3708, mobile 029 924 3708