Under Part 4 of the Commerce Act 1986 (the Act), we are responsible for regulating the gas pipeline services provided by four gas distribution businesses, or local gas pipeline businesses (Vector, Powerco, GasNet and First Gas), and the gas transmission business, First Gas.

The purpose of this analysis is to help people understand the drivers for change in the price and quality of services provided by the regulated gas distribution and gas transmission businesses (collectively, gas pipeline businesses) since 2014.

Alongside a comprehensive report, we have published a fact sheet to provide a brief overview of the key results, and you can explore the full analysis using our interactive Tableau dashboard. The approach paper describes our analytical approach and the legislative context in which we undertook this analysis.

The analysis has been produced using the data that these gas pipeline businesses are required to publish in accordance with our information disclosure (ID) requirements for the industry.

See the gas pipeline businesses' performance trends dashboard

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We welcome feedback to help improve the depth and quality of our insights in future analysis. Please send your feedback or ideas for future trend analysis to infrastructure.regulation@comcom.govt.nz.