The aim of the Measuring Broadband New Zealand monitoring programme (MBNZ) is to provide consumers with independent information on broadband performance across different providers, plans and technologies, to help them choose the best broadband for their household. Shining a light on actual broadband performance will also encourage telecommunications providers to compete on performance and not just price.

Following a review of the MBNZ programme and a robust procurement process, the Commission has appointed SamKnows to continue delivering the programme for the next 3 years. SamKnows is a world leader in internet performance measurement.

View the latest results

Become a broadband volunteer

To make sure we get an accurate picture of how New Zealand’s broadband is performing, we need volunteers from all parts of the country, on different types of broadband technologies, plans and with various providers, to take part.

We especially want volunteers who have Fixed Wireless (4G, 5G, and also WISP based Fixed Wireless) and satellite, many of whom will be in rural locations. If you are one of these consumers, please volunteer using the sign up link below.

If you do not want to volunteer, you can still use the information from the programme to help you choose the right broadband for you.

Sign up to be a volunteer

Volunteers selected for the programme will have access to their own personal internet performance results, and to RealSpeed which gives them the ability to assess their WiFi performance – a tool, which may help diagnose problems and improve home broadband performance.

If you are selected, you will be provided with a ‘Whitebox’ (similar to a modem) to plug in at home. The Whitebox performs automated tests on your home internet performance at different times of the day. It will not record any personal information or browsing history and does not interfere with your internet service. Some of your broadband data will be used to conduct testing (see below for the approximate data usage).

If you are selected, SamKnows will contact you directly.

You will not be paid to participate in the programme, and it will not cost you anything to participate.

Data usage

The faster your broadband connection, the more data the testing will use. We have set out the likely data usage in the table below.

For volunteers on ADSL, your connection will not be fast enough to use much data, so the testing should use less than 10% of your monthly cap.

If you have a data capped plan for VDSL, Fibre or HFC (Cable), you will probably not be selected for the programme, as we do not want you to get charged for going over your data cap.

If you have a Fixed Wireless (4G or 5G modem, or WISP Fixed Wireless) connection with a data cap, you have the option of opting for the lightweight testing programme, which will test less frequently to keep the data usage down. Both the standard and lightweight testing usage is shown in the table below, so you can opt for the one you feel most comfortable with.

No matter what broadband plan, data cap or technology, the testing will not run when you are using the internet so it will not affect your broadband performance.

Typical average data usage shown is based on a NZ Standard Testing (full testing programme) unless otherwise stated.

Plan or technologyTypical average download and upload speeds (Mbps)Typical test data usage per month (GB)
ADSL (Copper) 10 download, 1 upload16 GB
VDSL (Copper)40 download, 10 upload45 GB
Fibre '50'52 download, 12 upload53 GB
Fibre '300/100'310 download, 108 upload238 GB
Fibre 'Max'880 download, 500 upload683 GB
HFC Max (Cable)915 download, 104 upload593 GB
4G Fixed wireless (4G modems)47 download, 17 upload34 GB (Lightweight)
5G Fixed wireless (5G modems)Estimate 200 download, 30 uploadEstimate - 100 GB (Lightweight)
156 GB (Standard)
WISP Fixed wirelessEstimate 30 download, 5 uploadEstimate - 22 GB (Lightweight)
Low Earth Orbit Satellite (Starlink)205 download, 25 upload150 GB

Schedule for report releases

Test month

(Full calendar month)

Validation period

Report published

February 2023

March 2023 – 10 working days, most likely starting 1st or 2nd of March

April 2023

April 2023

May 2023 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

June 2023

July 2023

August 2023 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

September 2023

October 2023

November 2023 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

January 2024

January 2024

February 2024 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

June 2024

July 2024

August 2024 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

September 2024

October 2024

November 2024 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

December 2024

January 2025

February 2025 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

March 2025

April 2025

May 2025 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

June 2025

July 2025

August 2025 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

September 2025

October 2025

November 2025 – 10 working days, first two weeks of the month

December 2025

Technical FAQs

We have received a number of questions about our broadband monitoring programme. We have aimed to address these with a technical FAQs document.

This is a living document and will be updated if and when further questions arise.

Read more

Technical FAQs PDF (277 KB)

MBNZ Code of Conduct

The purpose of the MBNZ Code of Conduct is to ensure that parties involved in the programme act in good faith and in accordance with principles relating to data validation, “gaming” of results, and appropriate public usage of the MBNZ results. A list of signatories is included in the Code, including the Commission and SamKnows.

The Code of Conduct has been updated in October 2023 to reflect the new phase of the programme.

Read more

MBNZ Code of Conduct PDF (182 KB)

Compliance statements

We actively monitor compliance with the MBNZ Code of Conduct and may publicly disclose non-compliant behaviours and related issues from tested Retail Service Providers (RSPs).

Read more

Letter to 2degrees on conduct July to November 2018 PDF (412 KB)