Showing 41 to 50 of 201 results
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  • CallPlus applies for access determination

    23 Dec 2002 -  CallPlus applies for access determination. The Commerce Commission has received an application from CallPlus. Limited for an access determination under the Telecommunications Act. 2001 in respect of both interconnection and wholesale services with.

  • Commission holds telecommunications conference

    22 Apr 2002 -  Commission holds telecommunications conference. The Commerce Commission will hold a telecommunications conference tomorrow, Tuesday 23 April, on its role in making access determinations. This follows the release, in December last year, of a

  • Commerce Commission releases Telco document

    28 May 2002 -  Commerce Commission releases Telco document. The paper, "A Guide to the role of the Commerce Commission in making access determinations under the Telecommunications Act 2001" follows a draft discussion paper released in December last year, …

  • Commission clears Avis to acquire Budget

    7 Nov 2002 -  Commission clears Avis to acquire Budget. The Commerce Commission has approved an application from Cendant. Corporation, which owns and operates Avis Rent-a-Car Limited, to acquire. up to 100% of the shares and assets in Budget Group Inc's car…

  • Genesis cleared to acquire Energy Online

    10 Oct 2002 -  Genesis cleared to acquire Energy Online. The Commerce Commission has approved an application from Genesis Power Limited (Genesis) to acquire Energy Online Limited (EOL). Genesis, a state-owned enterprise, is involved in the generation and wholesale

  • Are you being charged the right price?

    8 Oct 2002 -  Are you being charged the right price? Two investigations into Masterton supermarket Write Price have prompted the Commerce Commission to alert consumers to the fact they need to be vigilant at the supermarket checkout and to warn supermarkets to

  • TelstraClear applies for access determination

    16 May 2002 -  TelstraClear applies for access determination. The Commerce Commission has received an application from TelstraClear Limited for an access determination under the Telecommunications Act 2001 in respect of both interconnection and wholesale services.

  • Firth Industries receives Commission clearance

    26 Jul 2002 -  Firth Industries receives Commission clearance. The Commerce Commission has approved an application from Firth Industries to acquire the assets comprising the ready-mixed concrete business of Gill Construction Co Limited in Blenheim. Chair John

  • Company director applies for EIRA exemption

    20 Sep 2002 -  Company director applies for EIRA exemption. The Commerce Commission has received an application from Mr Samford Lee Maier (Junior) for a permanent exemption under section 81 of the Electricity Industry Reform Act 1998. Mr Maierâ¿Âs

  • Customers refunded for 'not so free' games

    18 Oct 2002 -  Customers refunded for 'not so free' games. Electronic Arts New Zealand Limited has admitted breaching the Fair Trading Act, and has agreed, in a settlement with the Commerce Commission, to reimburse and apologise to nearly 9,000 customers…