Showing 111 to 120 of 166 results
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  • Commission clears SIDF to acquire West Coast companies

    4 Jul 1997 -  Commission clears SIDF to acquire West Coast companies. The Commerce Commission yesterday cleared Christchurch-based South Island Dairy Farmers Ltd (SIDF) to acquire the town milk businesses of two West Coast companies, Scenicland Milk & Cream…

  • Commission warns gas industry of possible court action

    18 Feb 1997 -  Commission warns gas industry of possible court action. The Commerce Commission sent a clear warning to the natural gas industry today, that if the 1980 wholesale contracts are not successfully renegotiated within a reasonable time, then the

  • Appeal fails – $12,000 pyramid selling penalties stand

    5 Dec 1997 -  Appeal fails – $12,000 pyramid selling penalties stand. The Christchurch High Court has rejected an appeal by [Concealed under the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004] against his conviction and fine of $10,000 plus $2,000 costs for operating

  • Warning: Endeavour retirement plan includes pyramid selling

    11 Jun 1997 -  Warning: Endeavour retirement plan includes pyramid selling. The Commerce Commission has warned Endeavour International Ltd that the company's retirement savings scheme, the Endeavour Plan, risks breaching the Fair Trading Act because it includes

  • High Court injunction stops Stefan's misleading advertising

    7 Nov 1997 -  High Court injunction stops Stefan's misleading advertising. The Wellington High Court yesterday imposed injunctions on Enza subsidiary, Stefan's Fresh Juice Company, promotions of orange juice, after finding that the promotions were…

  • Commission clears merger of Huttons and Best businesses

    29 Sep 1997 -  Commission clears merger of Huttons and Best businesses. The Commerce Commission today cleared a business acquisition that would merge the business of Huttons NZ Ltd and the New Zealand businesses of Best Corporation Ltd into a new company which is

  • Competition now possible in air traffic control markets

    17 Sep 1997 -  Competition now possible in air traffic control markets. Changes to pricing systems for air traffic control services have now opened up markets to potential competitors. Commission Chairman Dr Alan Bollard said that the Commission had late last year

  • Precedent case – promoting pyramid scheme costs $12,000

    23 Jul 1997 -  Precedent case – promoting pyramid scheme costs $12,000. The Christchurch District Court today fined [Concealed under the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004] $10,000, plus $2,000 solicitor's costs, for breaching the Fair Trading Act by

  • Commission authorises Powerco to acquire Egmont Electricity

    21 Jul 1997 -  Commission authorises Powerco to acquire Egmont Electricity. The Commerce Commission today authorised Powerco's proposed acquisition of Egmont Electricity. The Commerce Act prohibits business acquisitions that result in dominance being acquired…

  • Fair Trading breaches cost Enerco more than $14,500

    18 Dec 1997 -  Fair Trading breaches cost Enerco more than $14,500. In the Auckland District Court today, Enerco New Zealand Limited admitted its "Buy Smart" and "Home Smart" gas promotions were misleading, pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay …