Showing 51 to 60 of 166 results
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  • Commission declines Radio Network clearance

    26 May 1997 -  Commission declines Radio Network clearance. The Commerce Commission today declined to clear the Radio Network of New Zealand Limited to acquire C93FM (Christchurch) Limited. Commission Chairman Dr Alan Bollard said that the Commission considered

  • Commission warns over business acquisitions

    23 Oct 1997 -  Commission warns over business acquisitions. With business acquisitions appearing to continue at a high rate, the Commerce Commission is warning businesses involved to ensure they understand their obligations under the Commerce Act. Commission

  • Commission declines Radio Network clearance

    27 Mar 1997 -  Commission declines Radio Network clearance. The Commerce Commission today declined to clear the Radio Network of New Zealand Limited to acquire C93FM (Christchurch) Limited. Commission Chairman Dr Alan Bollard said that the Commission was not

  • Commission declines Wilson Parking clearance

    18 Mar 1997 -  Commission declines Wilson Parking clearance. The Commerce Commission today declined to clear Wilson Parking New Zealand (1992) Ltd to acquire four Wellington City Council parking businesses. Commission Deputy Chairman Peter Allport said that the

  • Record fine imposed on Edge – $50,000

    20 Feb 1997 -  Record fine imposed on Edge – $50,000. The Wellington District Court today imposed the highest single fine yet under the Fair Trading Act, when it fined Edge Computer Ltd $50,000 for selling computer components which did not have the memory

  • Commission declines flight catering clearance

    12 Mar 1997 -  Commission declines flight catering clearance. The Commerce Commission today declined to clear PRI Flight Catering Ltd to acquire the flight catering business of Air New Zealand Ltd. Commission Chairman Dr Alan Bollard said that the Commission was

  • Commission declines Goodman Fielder clearance

    14 Apr 1997 -  Commission declines Goodman Fielder clearance. The Commerce Commission today declined to clear Goodman Fielder Ltd to acquire the New Zealand assets of the baking and milling operations of Defiance Mills Ltd. Commission Chairman Dr Alan Bollard said

  • Commission clears Thorn Rentals to acquire

    25 Aug 1997 -  Commission clears Thorn Rentals to acquire. The Commerce Commission today cleared Thorn Rentals Trading Incorporated, trading in New Zealand as Dominion Television Rentals (DTR), to acquire all of the rental contracts and appliances subject to those

  • Commission warns doctors about price fixing

    22 Sep 1997 -  Commission warns doctors about price fixing. The Commerce Commission has warned several Lower Hutt doctors that, in the Commission's opinion, their attempted collective agreement to pay midwives specified rates is a form of price fixing and risks

  • Consumers benefiting from competition in NZ

    25 Nov 1997 -  Consumers benefiting from competition in NZ. "Competition in New Zealand business is increasing and consumers are benefiting," Commerce Commission Chairman Dr Alan Bollard said today. Dr Bollard was speaking to a group of Auckland business …