Showing 21 to 30 of 183 results
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  • Telecommunications Act: revised TSO timetable

    13 May 2003 -  Telecommunications Act: revised TSO timetable. Issued 13 May 2002-03. The Commerce Commission has revised its telecommunication service obligations (TSO) determination timetable to give additional time for the preparation of submissions and to

  • DIRA: Closing date for submissions extended

    3 Mar 2003 -  DIRA: Closing date for submissions extended. The closing date for submissions on the Commission's draft determination relating to setting the discount rate for calculating Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited's annualised share value for the

  • Eastland Network applies for EIRA exemption

    1 May 2003 -  Eastland Network applies for EIRA exemption. The Commerce Commission has received an application from the Eastland Network Limited for an exemption under the Electricity Industry Reform (EIR) Act 1998. Eastland Network is an electricity lines

  • Electricity Lines Businesses: conference details

    7 Mar 2003 -  Electricity Lines Businesses: conference details. The Commerce Commission will hold a five-day conference on its draft decisions on the regulatory regime for electricity lines businesses from 10-14 March 2003. The conference venue is CSI House,

  • Commission grants clearance to Todd Pohokura

    23 Sep 2003 -  Commission grants clearance to Todd Pohokura. Issued Tuesday 23 September. The Commerce Commission has granted a clearance to Todd Pohokura Limited to acquire an additional 9.8 percent interest in Petroleum Exploration from OMV New Zealand Limited.

  • Telecommunications Act: Update on TSO process

    4 Apr 2003 -  Telecommunications Act: Update on TSO process. The Commerce Commission will this month release the model it proposes to use to estimate Telecom New Zealand Limited's cost of complying with its telecommunications service obligations (TSO). In…

  • ANZ Bank cleared to acquire National Bank

    25 Sep 2003 -  ANZ Bank cleared to acquire National Bank. Issued Thursday 25 September 2003. The Commerce Commission has cleared ANZ Banking Group (New Zealand) Limited (ANZ) to acquire NBNZ Holdings Limited, the New Zealand holding company of The National Bank of

  • Commission's case against King Cargo concluded

    20 Aug 2003 -  Commission's case against King Cargo concluded. Issued 20 August 2003. Itinerant trader Stuart Connell and his company King Cargo Limited have now been fined a total of $5,750 plus costs for selling bicycles that failed to comply with the bicycle

  • Meridian Energy to reimburse misled customers

    30 Jan 2003 -  Meridian Energy to reimburse misled customers. Meridian Energy Limited has admitted breaching the Fair Trading Act in a letter sent to customers notifying them of changes in tariffs, and has agreed, in a settlement with the Commerce Commission, to