Showing 31 to 40 of 144 results
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  • Commission action in electricity sector

    4 Sep 1996 -  Commission action in electricity sector. The Commerce Commission has increased its enforcement activity in the electricity sector after previously warning electricity companies that the settling down period following deregulation was over. "This

  • Kmart admits selling dangerous bicycles

    14 Feb 1996 -  Kmart admits selling dangerous bicycles. Coles Myer New Zealand Holdings Ltd, which trades as Kmart, pleaded guilty today in the Auckland District Court to three charges of selling dangerous bicycles. Commerce Commission investigators bought a Skidz

  • Air New Zealand/Ansett expert submissions

    6 Mar 1996 -  Air New Zealand/Ansett expert submissions. Air New Zealand's and interested parties' experts will have made submissions to the Commerce Commission by 5pm today. Submissions will be available from reception at the Commission's Wellington…

  • High Court upholds cellphone convictions

    15 Sep 1996 -  High Court upholds cellphone convictions. The Auckland High Court on Friday upheld convictions and fines totalling $11,400 against two cellphone companies who had previously been found guilty of breaching the Fair Trading Act. The Commerce

  • Tourist operators and DoC change deed

    12 Nov 1996 -  Tourist operators and DoC change deed. The major tourist boat operators at Milford Sound and the Department of Conservation (DoC) have changed a deed because the Commerce Commission was concerned it may breach the Commerce Act. Commission Chairman

  • Commission warns about false endorsements

    21 Jul 1996 -  Commission warns about false endorsements. The Commerce Commission is warning that promoters have made false claims that it has endorsed or approved a United States get rich quick scheme which has since spread to New Zealand. Commission Chairman Dr

  • Commission's Ansett decisions by June 4

    22 May 1996 -  Commission's Ansett decisions by June 4. The Commerce Commission should make a decision on the two Ansett clearances it is considering by June 4, Commission Chairman Dr Alan Bollard said today. News Corporation Ltd has applied for clearance to…

  • Commission authorises NZRFU transfer rules

    17 Dec 1996 -  Commission authorises NZRFU transfer rules. The Commerce Commission today authorised the New Zealand Rugby Football Union's (NZRFU) proposed player transfer arrangements. The NZRFU asked the Commission to authorise the arrangements because as a