Showing 161 to 170 of 482 results
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  • Selling goods and services

    When you sell goods and services in New Zealand it is important that you understand and comply with consumer laws. If you sell to New Zealanders from overseas the same laws still apply.

  • Investigations and enforcement

    Investigations and enforcement. Competition and Consumer Investigation Guidelines. We believe it is important that people who interact with us, in the context of an investigation, know what to expect. Our Criminal Prosecution Guidelines provide

  • Product stewardship schemes

    When manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers of a product share responsibility for reducing the environmental impact of their product it is referred to as product stewardship. Product stewardship schemes can have significant benefits

  • Misuse of Market Power

    Some businesses have substantial market power. This in itself is not illegal. However, under the Commerce Act it is illegal for a business with a substantial degree of market power to engage in conduct that has the purpose, effect, or likely effect

  • Copper services

    We are responsible for setting the wholesale prices Chorus can charge other telecommunications providers to access its copper network and cabinet software. We also determine the terms of supply for these services.

  • What is being 'in trade'?​

    Consumers have certain rights when buying goods and services from someone who is ‘in trade', so it is important to know when you are in trade and to meet your buyers' expectations.

  • Input methodologies for fibre

    Input methodologies for fibre are the rules, requirements and processes that we are required to develop for regulated fibre services under Part 6 of the Telecommunications Act.

  • Mobile services

    We regulate a number of mobile services, including number portability – ensuring consumers can keep their phone number when they switch providers – and the termination rates mobile providers charge each other.

  • Buying an extended warranty

    When making a big purchase you might be offered an extended warranty. Before deciding whether to purchase one, make sure you know exactly what extra protections the warranty offers you, compared with the rights you already have under the Consumer

  • Our role in electricity lines

    Getting power to your home or business is a complex process. Electricity is first generated from a variety of sources, before being transmitted across the national grid, distributed down the power lines and sold to you. More than 50 businesses