Showing 171 to 180 of 487 results
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  • Compare providers for the best mobile and broadband customer service

    We have commissioned an ongoing independent survey which asks approximately 2,400 residential consumers every 6 months about their satisfaction with their mobile and broadband provider.

  • Information disclosure requirements for fibre

    We require providers of fibre fixed line access services (FFLAS) in New Zealand to disclose information detailing their performance.

  • Fibre services

    We are currently working on developing and implementing a new regulatory regime for fibre fixed line access services (FFLAS) under Part 6 of the Telecommunications Act.

  • Gas pipelines price-quality paths

    Price-quality regulation is applied to certain businesses that are regulated under Part 4 of the Commerce Act.

  • Information for regulated grocery retailers

    As the grocery industry regulator, our role includes monitoring competition and efficiency in the grocery industry, promoting transparency, carrying out reviews, inquiries and studies, making information available and enforcing the law. We also have

  • Consumer information standards

    To help consumers make informed decisions when buying and caring for goods, there are information standards in place requiring suppliers to disclose information.

  • Gas pipelines performance and data

    Regulated gas pipelines businesses provide information to us as part of their disclosure requirements. We then publish a summary and analysis of this information on our website.

  • Annual Report

    Our Annual Report details performance for the past year and shows progress made against our strategic objectives, as set out in our 2020-2024 Statement of Intent (SOI), and the performance measures and budgets set out in our Statement of performance

  • Competition Assessment Guidelines

    These Competition Assessment Guidelines will assist public officials, businesses and other interested parties to consider competition at an early stage in decisions and actions that influence markets. They are co-authored by the Commerce Commission

  • Household contracts and bills

    When deciding which utility company to go with, whether for electricity, gas, phone or broadband, you should expect to get accurate information about what they offer.