Showing 101 to 110 of 185 results
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  • Government Expectations

    The Government outlines its expectations of the Commission in a variety of ways including an annual letter from the Minister and Government Policy Statements.

  • Care labelling

    This includes textile goods for sale:. in a shop. on online auction sites. ... You can access the Regulations and the Fair Trading Act online at the government’s legislation…

  • Unconscionable conduct

    In another case, the Australian court found an education provider guilty of unconscionable conduct relating to online diploma courses.

  • Copper Withdrawal Code

    Resources. We provide some copper transition FAQs on our website. A fact sheet for consumers on the transition from copper services to fibre services has also been developed by the Telecommunications

  • Unfair contract terms

    You can contact us about a contract term you think is unfair on 0800 943 600 or make a complaint online.

  • Applying for a merger clearance

    We publish completed applications on our website, as well as issuing a media release to alert interested parties to the application. ... We announce our decision publicly through a media release, as well as publishing written…

  • Unconscionable conduct

    In another case, the Australian court found an education provider guilty of unconscionable conduct relating to online diploma courses.

  • Electricity and gas​

    You can do this by visiting Consumer NZ's Powerswitch website or the Electricity Authority's What's my number website. ... Visit the Citizens Advice Bureau website or contact them by…

  • Variations to consumer credit contracts

    posting information about the changes on your website (if you have one).

  • Annual Return

    return). Q How can I get my access code and link to the secure online data portal? ... Q Is there any training available on how to submit a return through the online portal?