Showing 351 to 360 of 483 results
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  • Buying online

    Buying online is a convenient way to shop, giving you access to a wide range of products and services.

  • Supporting customers in financial difficulty

    The Commerce Commission and the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) have collaborated on messaging around supporting customers.

  • Profitability of electricity distributors

    Financial information is a key part of the suite of disclosures that electricity distributors make publicly available. Following the first adjustments to distributors' revenue limits in 2015, we assessed the profitability of each distributor to

  • Topic papers, other reports and studies

    As part of our regulatory role in the telecommunications market, we regularly produce studies and reports on how the market is performing. Some of these are topic papers that focus on specific areas, market developments and trends.

  • Buying online

    Buying online is a convenient way to shop, giving you access to a wide range of products and services.

  • Buying online

    Buying online is a convenient way to shop, giving you access to a wide range of products and services.

  • Transpower listed projects

    As part of each process for setting Transpower's price-quality path, we publish a set of potential projects that Transpower expects to initiate during the regulatory period. These 'listed projects' typically are to replace existing…

  • Investigation of mobile termination access services

    In 2010 we completed our investigation into mobile termination access services.

  • Unbundled copper low frequency co-location service

    The unbundled copper low frequency co-location (UCLF co-location) service provides space within Chorus's local telephone exchanges for retail service providers' equipment, so that they can provide services to consumers.

  • Amendments to information disclosure requirements

    We may amend information requirements at any time after they have been determined. Here you will find the amendments made to information disclosure (ID) requirements since 2021, including ID determinations, reasons papers, and consultation documents