Showing 91 to 100 of 201 results
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  • Commission receives clearance application from Vodafone Mobile

    3 Oct 2002 -  Commission receives clearance application from Vodafone Mobile. The Commission has received a clearance application from Vodafone Mobile NZ Limited to acquire the management rights for 20 years in the radio frequency range between 890 MHz and 899.8

  • Clear faces further court action for misleading advertising

    4 Oct 2002 -  Clear faces further court action for misleading advertising. For the second time in less than a year, Clear Communications Limited today pleaded guilty in the North Shore District Court to breaching the Fair Trading Act. Judge Henwood fined Clear

  • Telecommunications Act:Commerce Commission settles interconnection price

    5 Nov 2002 -  Telecommunications Act:Commerce Commission settles interconnection price. The Commerce Commission has today released its first access determination under the Telecommunications Act 2001. The Commission's determination relates to price and…

  • Avis applies to the Commerce Commission to acquire Budget

    5 Sep 2002 -  Avis applies to the Commerce Commission to acquire Budget. The Commerce Commission has received a clearance application from Cendant Corporation, which owns and operates the New Zealand motor vehicle rental business, Avis Rent-a-Car Limited, to

  • Commission receives clearance application from Firth Industries

    10 Jul 2002 -  Commission receives clearance application from Firth Industries. The Commerce Commission has received a clearance application from Firth Industries to acquire the assets comprising the ready-mixed concrete business of Gill Construction Co Limited

  • Auckland trader fined $5,000 for envelope stuffing scam

    12 Jun 2002 -  Auckland trader fined $5,000 for envelope stuffing scam. Auckland trader Gregson Cretchein Mathews was fined $5,000 in the Auckland District Court today for breaching the Fair Trading Act in relation to a "work from home" scam. In…

  • Rio Beverages fined $22,600 for misleading juice claims

    14 Aug 2002 -  Rio Beverages fined $22,600 for misleading juice claims. Rio Beverages Limited was fined $22,600 plus court costs in the Auckland District Court today for five breaches of the Fair Trading Act relating to false and misleading claims about its Thexton

  • Giltrap City Toyota to pay $150,000 for price fixing

    5 Feb 2002 -  Giltrap City Toyota to pay $150,000 for price fixing. The Auckland High Court has ordered Giltrap City Limited, trading as Giltrap City Toyota,to pay a pecuniary penalty of $150,000 for price fixing in breach of the Commerce Act. The penalty comes

  • Commerce Commission receives clearance application from Fonterra

    18 Apr 2002 -  Commerce Commission receives clearance application from Fonterra. The Commerce Commission has received an application from Fonterra to acquire, through its wholly owned subsidiary Anchor Investments Limited (AIL), or any of its interconnected bodies

  • Scam trader convicted of 33 breaches of Fair Trading Act

    12 Apr 2002 -  Scam trader convicted of 33 breaches of Fair Trading Act. Notorious trader Michael Knight was fined $3,000 plus $130 court costs in the Auckland District Court today. He was convicted of a total of 33 breaches of the Fair Trading Act relating to the