Showing 471 to 480 of 487 results
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  • Fees a lender may charge

    When you take out a loan or buy goods on credit, a lender may add other costs on top of the amount you borrow.

  • Fees a lender may charge

    When you take out a loan or buy goods on credit, a lender may add other costs on top of the amount you borrow.

  • Claiming you're something you're not

    Any claims made to bolster the image of your business, products or services must be accurate.

  • Operating as a mobile trader

    When you sell goods on deferred payment terms to consumers, including door-to-door, through a catalogue, from your mobile shop, or by layby there are laws you must comply with.

  • Fees a lender may charge

    When you take out a loan or buy goods on credit, a lender may add other costs on top of the amount you borrow.

  • Door-to-door and telemarketing sales

    If you buy goods or services from a door-to door salesperson or from someone who has phoned you to make the sale, the law gives you extra protections. These types of sales are known as uninvited direct sale agreements.

  • Selling over the phone or door-to-door

    If your business makes sales door-to-door or over the phone, there are rules about uninvited direct sale agreements that you should know about.

  • Buying from a mobile trader or truck shop

    Trucks shops or other mobile traders selling household goods such as clothes and electronics are a common sight in some neighbourhoods in Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • What to do if you are struggling with debt

    If you are facing financial difficulty and think you may struggle to meet your debt repayments you have two options. Either talk to your lender as soon as possible to see if they can make changes to your credit contract or, if you qualify, you can

  • Tips for each stage of a loan

    Everyone's experience with borrowing money will be different, but there are some things all borrowers will go through when getting a loan. Below we have set out some tips and important information for you to keep in mind.