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  • Disclosure obligations

    You must provide key information to borrowers before a loan is entered into, and at certain times during its life.

  • Credit Pānui for Lenders

    This quarterly pānui updates lenders on all the latest news from the Credit branch.

  • Disclaimer

    The information on this website is intended to provide general information to the public.

  • Our role in airports

    Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch international airports are subject to a light-handed form of regulation called 'information disclosure.' This involves the Commission shining a light on the airport's pricing and spending decisions to

  • Airports input methodologies

    Input methodologies are the rules, requirements and processes that underpin regulation under Part 4 of the Commerce Act.

  • Regulated services

    Under the Telecommunications Act, some services that telecommunications firms provide to each other are regulated to help promote competition in the market for the benefit of consumers. The Commission is responsible for determining the terms of

  • Information for suppliers

    As the grocery industry regulator, our role includes monitoring competition and efficiency in the grocery industry, promoting transparency, carrying out reviews, inquiries and studies, making information available and enforcing the law. We have

  • Information for consumers

    The changes introduced by the Grocery Industry Competition Act are designed to make it easier for new or existing retailers to compete with the major supermarkets. A more competitive market will deliver better prices, quality, innovation and choice

  • Monitoring and focus reports

    The Commission produces quarterly monitoring reports, which monitor the performance of engine fuel markets in New Zealand under the Fuel Industry Act 2020.

  • Fibre price-quality paths

    Price-quality (PQ) and information disclosure (ID) regulation applies to providers of fibre fixed line access services (FFLAS) that are regulated under Part 6 of the Telecommunications Act 2001. PQ regulation applies to certain fibre services