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  • Your rights as a business

    It is important that as a business, and especially if yours is a small business, that you know your rights.Small trade standard form contracts between businesses must not contain unfair terms. You are also protected against unconscionabl

  • Avoiding anti-competitive behaviour

    Anyone who runs a business in New Zealand must comply with the Commerce Act, which aims to promote competition in markets for the long-term benefit of consumers.

  • Our policies and guidelines

    The Commission publishes policies and guidelines to assist stakeholders to understand how we operate.

  • Resources for consumer advisory sector

    We work with the consumer advisory sector to ensure we hear about the issues that cause consumers harm and to protect the wider community from unlawful trade practices.

  • Merging or acquiring a company

    Mergers can bring many benefits to the New Zealand economy by making businesses more efficient and innovative. However, some mergers also have the potential to substantially lessen competition in the market to the detriment of consumers.

  • Dealing with typical situations

    Do you have an issue or problem you need to solve? Below are some typical situations that consumers often find themselves in.

  • Complaints snapshot 2020/21

    The Complaints Snapshot identifies the major themes of consumer complaints submitted to the Commission during the year.

  • How the Commission helps

    We are New Zealand's competition, consumer and regulatory agency.

  • Complaint form

    Complaint form. Before you make a complaint, please consider the following information about our service:. We generally cannot take action on your behalf. We are not a dispute resolution service and generally cannot assist you to get a refund or

  • Business consultations

    1 Jan 2018 -  This section contains all current and closed Commission projects where we are or have consulted on business documents.