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  • Make a complaint

    If you think a business or person isn't complying with one of the laws we enforce, you can make a complaint to us.

  • Business

    The Commerce Commission is New Zealand's competition and consumer watchdog. We enforce competition law so that markets are competitive, and consumers are well informed and protected.

  • Consumers

    The Commerce Commission is New Zealand's consumer watchdog enforcing the law to ensure businesses trade fairly and lend responsibly.

  • Credit providers

    If you provide credit to consumers you must follow New Zealand consumer credit laws.

  • About us

    The Commerce Commission is New Zealand's primary competition, fair trading, consumer credit and economic regulatory agency.

  • Documents

    This section holds all the downloadable documents that are available on the website.

  • News and media

    Keep up to date with news and events at the Commerce Commission.

  • Our role

    The Commerce Commission is New Zealand's primary competition, fair trading, consumer credit and economic regulatory agency.

  • Welcome to the Commerce Commission

    Our vision is that New Zealanders are better off because markets work well and consumers and businesses are confident market participants.

  • Regulatory projects

    This section contains all current and closed Commission regulatory projects. This includes determinations, reports, inquiries, studies and disclosures relating to telecommunications, electricity lines, gas pipelines, airports and dairy.