Christchurch International Airport is New Zealand’s second busiest airport and is considered the international gateway to the South Island, with around 6.2 million passengers passing through its terminals a year (year ending March 2024).
To date we have focused our reviews of Christchurch Airports' performance on the pricing events that occur at least every 5 years.
We have now published our consultation paper on our review of Christchurch Airport’s performance for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2027, our fourth price setting event period (PSE4). Our review included analysis of Christchurch Airport’s pricing decisions and expected performance over the PSE4 period.
We provided analysis of Christchurch Airport’s second price setting event in our report to Ministers. This report was a one-off requirement under section 56G of the Commerce Act and was required as soon as practicable after any new price was set in or after 2012. The report considered whether information disclosure regulation had been effective.
The Commission also reported on Christchurch Airport's revised information disclosure for its second price setting event, which was provided in response to the Commission's report to Ministers.