The purpose of Part 4 of the Commerce Act 1986 is to promote the long-term benefits for consumers in markets where there is little or no competition and little or no likelihood of a substantial increase in competition.

Part 4 requires EDBs to disclose information about their performance with the aim of encouraging them to improve efficiency and quality as well as incentives to innovate and invest.

The legal framework we apply when setting or amending ID requirements is set out in the Part 4 Information Disclosure Framework paper.

The need for this review

The purpose of the ID (Input Methodologies Amendment Determination 2024) review is to incorporate some immediate ID requirements from the 2023 Input Methodologies Review. The focus is on amendments which need to be implemented by April 2025.

We will also consider fixing simple clarifications and errors.

Contact us

Throughout this process, we will be working closely with EDBs on changes to ID requirements which we expect to improve the long-term benefits of consumers.

If you would like to contact the team, please email

This view shows the latest stage in the project. Click on the circled dates to see details. Navigate to other months, or scroll down, to see all stages.

Note: these dates are indicative only and are subject to change.

  • 30 Nov 2024

    Final Information Disclosure (Input Methodologies Amendment Determination 2024) published

  • 03 Sep 2024

    Cross-submissions due

  • 15 Aug 2024

    Submissions due

  • 18 Jul 2024


    Draft Information Disclosure (Input Methodologies Amendment Determination 2024) published

    See documents