We are setting DPP4 in the context of an energy transition to increased electrification, climate change impacts, high inflation, and significant cost pressures facing both EDBs and consumers.

On 29 May 2024 we published our draft decision and Commissioner Vhari McWha hosted a presentation to stakeholders and media and Q&A session. Details on the draft decision reasons paper, models, determination and a recording of the presentation can be found at the end of this page.

Submissions close 5pm, Friday 12 July 2024, and cross-submissions close 5pm, Friday 2 August 2024. Submissions should be addressed to: Ben Woodham, Electricity Distribution Manager c/o infrastructure.regulation@comcom.govt.nz - please include ‘Submission on EDB DPP4 draft decision’ in the subject line of your email. Please note that no extensions will be granted to these consultation deadlines due to the statutory requirement for us to publish our final decisions by 30 November 2024.

We have also published a webpage explaining more about the estimated impact of these decisions on consumer electricity bills. You can read more about this on our website.

On 2 November 2023, we published our Issues paper setting out our understanding of this context and seeking stakeholders' views on the key issues we consider relevant for DPP4. On 22 February 2024 we published our Issues paper on the Financeability of electricity distribution services in the default price-quality path and the preliminary version of the DPP4 financial model on our website. In February we also held a workshop on the capital expenditure framework design and a second workshop in March on the approach to incentivising the use of innovation and non-traditional solutions. Details on these Issues papers, workshops and related stakeholder submissions can be found at the end of this page.

Project Timeline

Final decision due

November 2024

Cross-submissions on draft decision due

2 August 2024

Submissions on draft decision due

12 July 2024

Draft decision due

29 May 2024

Presentation to stakeholders and media: Draft decisions for the reset of the Transpower and electricity distribution price-quality paths (RCP4 and DPP4) - hosted by Commissioner Vhari McWha

29 May 2024

Responses to s53ZD notice for non-exempt EDBS due

5 April 2024

Cross-submissions on issues paper on the Financeability of electricity distribution services in the default price-quality path due

29 March 2024

Issuance of s53ZD Notice: Information Request for non-exempt EDBs

20 March 2024

Submissions on issues paper on the Financeability of electricity distribution services in the default price-quality path due

15 March 2024

Workshop videos published

March 2024

Preliminary version of the DPP4 financial model published

22 February 2024

Issues paper on the Financeability of electricity distribution services in the default price-quality path published

22 February 2024


26 February 2024

4 March 2024

Cross-submissions on issues paper due

26 January 2024

Responses to s53ZD notice due

21 December 2023

Submissions on issues paper due

19 December 2023

Issuance of s53ZD Notice: Information Request for non-exempt EDBs

10 November 2023

Issues paper – full paper published

Issues paper – summary of consultation questions

Issues paper – media release

Issues paper – initial opex modelling (published 13 November 2023)

Issues paper – opex modelling note (published 7 December 2023 in response to a query)

Issues paper – opex modelling additional script (published 7 December 2023 in response to a query)

2 November 2023

Knowledge sharing session – DPP101

9 August 2023

Submissions on process paper due

23 June 2023

Process paper – full paper published

25 May 2023

The below diagram shows the high-level dates for the DPP4 project and how these interact with other workstreams, including the input methodologies.

DPP4 process and related processes high-level dates diagram

Electricity distribution businesses subject to DPP4

  • Alpine Energy
  • Aurora Energy*
  • EA Networks
  • Electricity Invercargill
  • Firstlight Network
  • Horizon Energy
  • Nelson Electricity
  • Network Tasman
  • Orion
  • OtagoNet Joint Venture
  • Powerco
  • The Lines Company
  • Top Energy
  • Unison Networks
  • Vector
  • Wellington Electricity

*Aurora Energy is currently on a customised price-quality path which expires 31 March 2026, when it will be transitioned onto DPP4.

Presentation to stakeholders and media

Draft decisions for the reset of the Transpower and electricity distribution price-quality paths (RCP4 and DPP4) - hosted by Commissioner Vhari McWha  (May 2024)

On 29 May 2024 Commissioner Vhari McWha hosted a presentation to stakeholders and media and a Q&A session on our draft decision. Details on the draft decision reasons paper, models, and determination can be found in the documents section below.

We have also published a webpage explaining more about the estimated impact of these decisions on consumer electricity bills. You can read more about this on our website.

Submissions close 5pm, Friday 12 July 2024, and cross-submissions close 5pm Friday 2 August 2024. Submissions should be addressed to: Ben Woodham, Electricity Distribution Manager c/o infrastructure.regulation@comcom.govt.nz - please include ‘Submission on EDB DPP4 draft decision’ in the subject line of your email.

A recording of the presentation is available below and the slide deck can be found in the documents section below.


Forecasting and incentivising efficient expenditure (November 2022)

On 7 November 2022, we ran a workshop with electricity distribution businesses (EDBs) on the challenges of ‘forecasting and incentivising efficient expenditure’ in the context of increasing electrification being seen across Aotearoa New Zealand.

After the workshop we sought feedback from EDBs to help inform our planning for DPP4. Specific feedback was sought on emerging issues, how Asset Management Plans may contribute to setting the DPP4 and our programme of performance analysis. Submissions to the workshop have been posted to our website.

A recording of the workshop is available below. A copy of the slides used in the workshop and submissions in response can be found in the documents section below.

Capital expenditure framework design (February 2024)

On 26 February 2024, we ran a workshop with EDBs and other stakeholders to share our early thinking on key components of the capex framework for the DPP4 reset (including how the findings from the 2023 AMP review could be used in the framework). The workshop was intended to facilitate discussion and reflects early thinking of Commission staff only.

A recording of the workshop is available below. A copy of the slides used in the workshop and submissions in response can be found in the documents section below.

Innovation and non-traditional solutions workshop (March 2024)

On Monday 4 March 2024, we held an online workshop to share our early thinking and to seek feedback from stakeholders on how to best incentivise innovation and the use of non-traditional solutions within the DPP regime. We also sought feedback on how the Innovation and Non-Traditional Solutions Allowance (INTSA) could be used).

A recording of the workshop is available below. A copy of the slides used in the workshop  and the formal submissions we received in response can be found in the documents section at the bottom of this page.

DPP4 Knowledge sharing presentation: An introduction to the default price-quality path (August 2023)

On 9 August we held an online knowledge sharing presentation on the default price-quality path (DPP). A recording of the presentation is available below.

The presentation is targeted at industry stakeholders but is open to anyone who would like to learn more about default price-quality paths – including those new to the regime and those seeking a refresher.

This view shows the latest stage in the project. Click on the circled dates to see details. Navigate to other months, or scroll down, to see all stages.

Note: these dates are indicative only and are subject to change.

  • 02 Aug 2024

    Cross-submissions received on our draft decisions

  • 12 Jul 2024

    Submissions received on our draft decisions

  • 02 Jul 2024


    Notice of Intention – Potential amendments to input methodologies for electricity distribution services

    See documents

  • 18 Jun 2024


    Draft decisions - Publication of updated and new models

    See documents

  • 29 May 2024


    Presentation to stakeholders and media: Draft decisions for the reset of the Transpower and electricity distribution price-quality paths (RCP4 and DPP4) - hosted by Commissioner Vhari McWha

    See documents

  • 29 May 2024
  • 22 May 2024
  • 20 May 2024


    Notice of Intention - IM Amendments - Electricity Distribution Services, Gas Distribution Services, Gas Transmission Services and Transpower

    See documents

  • 29 Mar 2024


    Cross-submissions due on DPP4 Issues paper on the Financeability of electricity distribution services in the default price-quality path

    See documents

  • 20 Mar 2024


    Issuance of s53ZD Notice: Information Request for non-exempt EDBs

    See documents

  • 04 Mar 2024


    Workshop - Innovation and non-traditional solutions, and submissions received

    See documents

  • 26 Feb 2024


    Workshop - Capital expenditure framework design, and submissions received

    See documents

  • 22 Feb 2024


    Issues paper on the Financeability of electricity distribution services in the default price-quality, and submissions received

    See documents

  • 22 Feb 2024


    Preliminary version of the DPP4 financial model

    See documents

  • 26 Jan 2024


    Cross Submissions due on DPP4 Issues paper

    See documents

  • 21 Dec 2023


    Reponses to s53ZD notice due

  • 19 Dec 2023
  • 07 Dec 2023


    Response to query on opex modelling in DPP4 Issues paper

    See documents

  • 10 Nov 2023


    Issuance of s53ZD Notice: Information Request for non-exempt EDBs

    See documents

  • 02 Nov 2023
  • 23 Jun 2023
  • 25 May 2023
  • 16 Dec 2022


    Submissions due on Workshop 1: Expenditure forecasting – Completed

    See documents

  • 07 Nov 2022


    Workshop 1: Expenditure forecasting – Completed

    See documents

Show all